domingo, diciembre 31, 2006

People I can do without

Esta es la lista de gente sin la cual podría seguir viviendo. Fue escrita por George Carlin hace más o menos 20 años y es bastante más larga, pero solo dejé las personas que aplican en mi caso.

Está en inglés porque no tengo ganas de traducir. Bastante traduzco en el trabajo.
- An airline pilot who has on 2 different shoes
- A proctologIst with poor depth perception
- A pimp who drives a toyota corolla
- A gynecologist who wants my girlfriend to have 3 or 4 drinks before the examination
- Anyone who mentions jesus more than 300 times in a two minute conversation
- A dentist with blood on his hair
- Any woman whose hobby is breast-feeding zoo animals
- A funeral director who says 'hope to see you folks again really soon!'
- Girls who get drunk and throw up at breakfast
- A man with only one lip
- A boy-scout master who owns a dildo shop
- Any lawyer who refers to the police as 'the federales'
- A cross-eyed nun with a bullwhip and a bottle of gin
- A brain surgeon with 'born 2 lose' tattoed on his hands
- Couples whose children's names all start with the same initials
- A man in a hospital gown directing traffic
- Any man whose arm hair completely covers his wrist watch
- A stranger on the train who wants to tell me about their bowel movements
- A crying woman with a harpoon gun entering a bar
- Any man with a birthmark shaped like a hypodermic needle
- A priest with an eyepatch and a limp who's selling crosses.
- Any woman who repeatedly gives me a high five during sex
- Any guy named "Dogmeat" whose body has over six square feet of scar tissue
- Anyone who refers to Charles Manson as 'Chuck'
- A retarded twelve-year-old who carries more than six boxes of matches
- Any man who gives himself an enema. On the rocks
- A flat-chested woman wearing a "Foxy Lady" t-shirt

Cuando encuentre la forma de reducir la lista de gente que debería morir de GC, la posteo.

No saludo para año nuevo, asi que ahí se ven.

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sábado, diciembre 30, 2006

Esto se va a poner bueno

Falta un tiempo, pero al menos ya tengo asegurada la entrada.

Si alguien más va, ahí nos veremos. Salu2!


jueves, diciembre 28, 2006

Un pequeño detalle

Shopping Abasto,
2° Subsuelo

Podré ser del campo, pero hasta yo sé que así no se estaciona!

Ayer hubo cena-festejo-de-cumpleaños-atrasados-navidad-y-fin-de-año con algunos ex compañeros de la fuckultad. Se nos vino posponiendo así que juntamos todo en una. Si el que sacó la foto de rigor la mandara, la postearía acá. Cuando la tenga la cuelgo.

Esto es 'Apple Blossom', de los White Stripes. Salu2!
Hey little apple blossom
What seems to be the problem?
All the ones you tell your troubles to
They don't really care for you

Come and tell me what you're thinking
‘Cause just when the boat is sinking
A little light is blinking
And I will come and rescue you

Lots of girls walk around in tears
But that's not for you
You've been looking all around for years
For someone to tell your troubles to

Come and sit with me and talk awhile
Let me see your pretty little smile
Put your troubles in a little pile
And I will sort them out for you
I'll fall in love with you
I think I’ll marry you

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lunes, diciembre 25, 2006

Adiós, Padrino del Soul

Después de hoy, como dice mi amigo Salchicha, todo puede solamente empeorar. La bio y la pic las saqué de

James Brown (born May 3, 1933 - December 25, 2006) was an African American entertainer recognized as one of the most influential figures in 20th century music. As a prolific singer, songwriter, bandleader and record producer, Brown was a seminal force in the evolution of gospel and rhythm and blues into soul and funk. He has also left his mark on numerous other musical genres, including rock, jazz, reggae, disco, dance and electronic music, and, most famously, hip-hop music.

Brown began his professional music career in 1953, and skyrocketed to fame in the late 1950s and early 1960s on the strength of his thrilling live performances and a string of smash hits. In spite of various personal problems and setbacks, he continued to score hits in every decade through the 1980s. In the 1960s and 1970s, Brown was a presence in American political affairs, noted especially for his activism on behalf of African Americans and the poor.

Brown is recognized by a plethora of (mostly self-bestowed) titles, including "Soul Brother Number One," "Mr. Dynamite," "the Hardest-Working Man in Show Business," "Minister of New New Super-Heavy Funk," "Universal James," and the best-known, "the Godfather of Soul." He is renowned for his shouting vocals, feverish dancing and unique rhythmic style.

James Brown died early on Christmas Day 2006, having been admitted to hospital suffering from pneumonia.

Para terminar, una de las mejores letras de JB: Say It Loud (I'm Black and I'm Proud).
Now we demand a chance to do things for ourselves
We're tired of beatin' our head against the wall
And workin' for someone else
We're people, we're just like the birds and the bees
We'd rather die on our feet
Than be livin' on our knees
Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud


viernes, diciembre 22, 2006

Una sola cosa para decir

Al señor/a inteligente que se le ocurrió disminuir la frecuencia de los subtes para ahorrar energía: merece que lo/a encierren en uno de los vagones de la línea D y lo/a prendan fuego; para lo cual ni se va a necesitar un zippo, ya que con encerrarlo/a un rato en uno de los vagones del subte creo que va a arder por combustión espontánea.

Y ayer empezó el verano... a ver que más tienen planeado para que el viaje de ida y vuelta al trabajo sea más y más una aventura.


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martes, diciembre 19, 2006

Esto es Buenos Aires?

Parafraseando a Charly García con su "Esto es el Luna Park?", acá estoy, viendo que cuernos hago el otro fin de semana. El que viene ya está perdido, porque me chantajearon para pasar la navidad en el campo.

El otro fin de semana, en cambio, lo pensaba pasar sentado en el rincón del depto donde no llega la luz (o sea, como a mi me gusta), pero después de todo ahora estoy en Baires! algo tiene que haber para que alguien no interesado en fiestas ni fines de año se pueda entretener, ¿¡¿NO?!?

Esto es 'Virgin Bride', de Morphine. La letra es reveladora, y el tema es como para escucharlo mientras le sacan brillo a la escopeta :P


It was just a couple of summers ago
Annie met Gary
They moved to eachother
So in love

The future was their canvas
And life was their paint

But Annie, she wanted Gary to wait to do it
Until their wedding day
Gary said, "ok Annie. that's alright I can wait."
"But let's get married right away"

Soon enough that wedding day rolled around
And it was a very beautiful wedding
You know the kind

After the wedding everybody went back to a big reception
At Annie's mother's house
And it was a great party
There was a band, there was food
There was so much love in the air

And Annie
Annie grabbed a bottle of champagne
She grabbed Gary by the hand and they snuck away
From the party
They went downstairs
Down to the laundry room
Down int he basement
Down to the laundry room

Soon they were rolling around in the laundry
Down in the laundry room
Rolling around rolling around
Rolling around rolling around

Then Gary
Hit his head on the dryer
He hit it pretty hard
In fact
Gary is dead
Oh, Gary's dead! oh!

If she hadn't waited, then they couldn't say it
A virgin bride is a virgin widow today
If she hadn't waited, then they couldn't say it
A virgin bride is a virgin widow today

Etiquetas: ,

miércoles, diciembre 13, 2006

At the movies

El viernes estaba al pedo y como por fin salió algo decente en el cine, me fui a ver Casino Royale.

No estuvo tan mal, inclusive me gustó más que las anteriores con Pierce Brosnan, que me parece de cartón pintado.

Como siempre lo más notable es cómo desafían las leyes de la física en estas películas, pero para pasar el rato zafan. Lástima que no apareció Q (el que le inventaba los gadgets); siempre era el toque cómico que regularmente le falta a estas películas.

Bond sigue andando a gamba, pobre... Esta vez le dieron un Aston DBS que aparece poco pero igual me hizo babear.

Y para babear nada mejor que la chica Bond, Eva Green.

En resumen, le doy 7 quintines a esta peli, en particular por el actor nuevo que interpreta a Bond, que le sacó (un poco) el olor a viejo que le había dejado Pierce Brosnan a 007.

Si van a verla, recomiendo hacerlo acompañado de los nachos de los cines Hoyts; pedí que me los sirvieran en un sombrero pero me miraron raro y me dijeron que no.

Estoy escuchando 'The Grouch' de Green Day. Salu2!
I was a young boy that had big plans
Now I'm just another shitty old man
I don't have fun and I hate everything
The world owes me, so fuck you

Glory days don't mean shit to me
I drank a six pack of apathy
Life's a bitch and so am I
The world owes me, so fuck you

Wasted youth and a fistful of ideals
I had a young and optimisitic point of view
Wasted youth and a fistful of ideals
I had a young and optimisitic point of view

I've decomposed, and my gut's getting fat
Oh my god I'm turning out like my dad
I'm always rude, I've got a bad attitude
The world owes me, so fuck you

The wife's a nag and the kid's fucking up
I don't have sex 'cause i can't get it up
I'm just a grouch sitting on the couch
The world owes me, so fuck you


martes, diciembre 05, 2006

I forgot to mention...

El sábado rendí el examen BEC en un instituto llamado International House en Recoleta (BTW, si algún día tengo hijos, quiero que estudien ahí!) . Rockeé el oral y el escrito, cosa rara porque en los writings normalmente pierdo puntos (estúpida televisión, me atrofió el cerebro); pero esta vez me fue bien, me sobró tiempo en cada paper y encima la pareja que me tocó en el oral la tenía bastante así que no me dejó hablando solo.

Ahora a ver qué preparo para la próxima... estoy entre el CPE y otro más intermedio, como para que pueda ir sin estudiar como fui esta vez :P

Dejo la letra de 'Rock & Roll' de Led Zeppelin. Salu2!
It's been a long time since I rock and rolled,
It's been a long time since I did the Stroll.
Ooh, let me get back, let me get back,
Let me get back, baby, where I come from.
It's been a long time, been a long time,
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.
Yes it has.

It's been a long time since the book of love,
I can't count the tears of life with no love.
Carry me back, carry me back,
Carry me back, baby, where I come from.
Woah oo oh oo oh oh
Its been a long time, been a long time,
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.


(guitar solo)

It's been a long time since we walked in the moonlight,
Making vows that just can't work right.
Open your arms, open your arms,
Open your arms, baby let my love come in, oh oh, yeah
It's been a long time, been a long time,
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.

yeah hey, yeah hey
yeah hey, yeah hey

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah,
ooh yeah, ooh yeah,

Been a long time, a long time,
a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely,lonely time.



Esta mañana me fijé y en la página estaba el solcito para todo el día, ahora parece que me voy a cagar mojando, porque la tormenta va a empezar a las 17.55, por supuesto, y yo no traje el piloto. Si se larga nos veremos en el infierno,!


