lunes, octubre 02, 2006

Cartel bizarro

En realidad el cartel no es lo funky, sino una de las fotos. Es un afiche acerca del uso del preservativo (perdón pero no pude sacar una foto del cartel completo). Alguien me puede explicar que hace una pareja de mujeres en un aviso en pro del uso de forros???? Para qué pueden querer un forro estas dos? para los dedos????

No tengo nada en contra de las lesbianas, sino que me resultó algo rarísimo. Se aceptan sugerencias.

En unos días cumplo años, espero que pase rápido y sin mucha publicidad :P

Dejo la letra de un tema de Regina Spektor, "That Time". Para que tengan una idea de como suena esta letra tan bizarra como el cartel de la foto, en la Rolling Stone de Septiembre la compararon con Phoebe Buffay.

En 2 horas me tengo que ir a laburar, así que voy a tratar de dormir. Nos vemos.

Hey remember the time when I found a human tooth down on Delancey.
Hey remember that time we decided to kiss anywhere except the mouth.
Hey remember that time when my favorite colors were pink and green.
Hey remember that month when I only ate boxes of tangerines.
So cheap and juicy, tangerines.

Hey remember that time when I would only read Shakespeare.
Hey remember that other time when I would only read the backs of cereal boxes.
Hey remember that time I tried to save a pigeon with a broken wing.
A street cat got him by morning and I had to bury pieces of his body in my building's playground.
I thought I was going to be sick, I thought I was going to be sick.

Hey remember that time when I would only smoke Parliaments.
Hey remember that time when I would only smoke Marlboros.
Hey remember that time when I would only smoke Camels.
Hey remember that time when I was broke.
I didn't care I just bummed from my friends.
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum...

Hey remember that time when you OD'ed.
Hey remember that other time when you OD'ed for the second time.
Well in the waiting room while waiting for news of you I hallucinated I could read your mind.
And I was on a lot of shit too but what I saw, man, I tell you it was freaky, freaky.
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