Grammar nazi
Aunque (todavía) tolero las abreviaturas estilo SMS de las viejas épocas, me jode mucho chatear o intercambiar emails con gente con faltas de ortografía.
Leyendo boludeces en Internet me enteré que hay un nombre para los molestos como yo: Grammar nazis; e inclusive tenemos nuestro propio logo :-P¿Es mucho pedir usar un corrector ortográfico? Creo que no, y por eso lo digo cuando contesto un mail que vino con faltas. Y cuando chateo con alguien que escribe 'relasion', le contesto '¿Quisiste decir relaCiÓn?', como para hincharle las pelotas a la gente un poco más, ¿vio?. A ver si así aprenden.
Esto es 'Up To My Neck In You', de AC/DC. Salu2!
Well I've been up to my neck in trouble
Up to my neck in strife
Up to my neck in misery
For most of my life
I've been a fool
And you know what a fool can do
I'm telling you
You came along when I needed you
Now I'm up, I'm up to my neck in youAnd I've been up to my neck in pleasure
Up to my neck in pain
I've been up to my neck on the railroad track
Waitin' for the train
To cruise on through
Well baby my time is due
Oh it's way overdue
You came along and you pulled me through
Now I'm up, up to my neck in youWell I've been up to my neck in whiskey
I've been up to my neck in wine
I've been up to my neck in wishing
That this neck wasn't mine
I was a loser
You weren't lost
Baby you were too good, too good to be true
What you've got no one else could do
Now I'm up, I'm up to my neck in youYeah you came along when I needed you
Oh I'm up to my neck in you
Etiquetas: Neurotic? You decide