lunes, mayo 26, 2008


No sé ustedes, pero yo me fijaría antes de comprar algo así.

Es como comprar un casco marca "Crash Dummy", o un matafuego marca "Crash & Burn".

Esto es "Old Enough", del nuevo disco de los Raconteurs, enjoy.
You look pretty in your fancy dress
But I detect unhappiness.
You never speak so I have to guess
You're not free.

Yeah, maybe when you're old enough
You'll realize that you're not so though.
And some days the seas get rough,
You'll see.

You're too young to have it figured out.
You think you know what you're talkin about.
You think it all will work itself out,
But we'll see.

When I was young I thought I knew,
You probably think you know too.
Do you?
Well, do you?

I was naive just like you, I thought
I knew exactly what I wanted to do.
Well, what you gonna do?
What a fool.

And how've you gotten by so far
Without a head and no visible scar?
No one knowin who you really are,
They can't see.

What you gonna do? (What you gonna do?)
What you gonna do now?

What you gonna do now?


The only way you'll ever learn a thing
Is to admit that you know absolutely nothing.
Oh, nothing.

Think about this carefully.
You might not get another chance to speak freely.
Oh, freely.

Maybe when you're old enough.
Maybe when you're old enough.
Maybe when you're old enough,
You're not free.
You're not free.

Etiquetas: ,

martes, mayo 13, 2008

¿Estoy loco por pedir esto?

En el gimnasio
  • No es mucho pedir, lleven una toalla y sequen la transpiración después de usar los aparatos. No hay nada más feo que usar el banco para pesas y chapotear en el chivo que dejó el energúmeno del turno anterior, que seguramente también dejó la pesa con media tonelada de carga en cada lado para que el siguiente en usarla se la guarde.
  • En la clase de spinning. Gente: hacemos de cuenta que andamos en bici, es de mentira, no hace falta aparecer en la clase enfundado con el vestuario oficial del Tour de France, con las botas de ciclista incluidas. Sólo falta alguna ameba pedaleadora que aparezca con el casco y ahí si que pedaleo hasta salir disparado frente al 152 que pasa por la puerta del gimnasio.
  • La ducha no muerde, úsenla antes de salir. No necesito apretarme en el subte contra un tarado que huele a cajeta de sardina. Contrariamente a lo que piensan esos mamertos, nadie transpira perfume.
  • En las duchas del vestuario, ¡usen las fucking cortinas, man! Todos tenemos el mismo equipamiento, no hace falta tanta exhibición.
Hoy estoy tranqui, escuchando un poco de Motörhead para ver si arranca mi brote psicótico antes de ir de nuevo al gimnasio y de una vez por todas salgo en la tapa de un diario :-P

Esto es Sucker, enjoy.
How we are, ain't how we were,
Innocence, is for the birds,
Now we are poison, and we don't care,
We have no shame, we strip you bare,
And you so precious, lost in smoke,
Too busy laughing, to see the joke.

Nobody knows if you won or you lost,
Into the palace or up on the cross,
Into the gravy or into the ground,
We just don't want you around,

What we want, ain't what we get,
Rags to riches, ain't working yet,
For we are monsters, we love our work,
Raise your voice, you bite the dirt,
And you so patient, lost in dreams,
Too busy crying, to hear the screams.

Nobody cares if you lost or you won,
In with the girlies or under the gun,
Into the sunshine or under the blade,
We gonna dance on your grave,

What we do, is break the law,
We tasted blood and we want more,
For we are murder, we like it fine,
No quarter, we draw the line,
And you so gracious, lost in time,
Too busy killing, to see the crime

Love it or hate it, you're gonna pay,
All of us here, gonna ruin your day,
Into the palace or into the pit,
We think you're just full of shit.

Nobody cares if you're in or you're out,
We're gonna give you a smack in the mouth,
Whether you go or whether you stay,
I guess it just ain't your day,


martes, mayo 06, 2008

"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love."

Neil Gaiman (English born American Novelist, Journalist, Screenwriter, Children's author and Comics writer, b.1960)

Por si quedan dudas, sigo deprimido.
